Sunday, February 20, 2011


      Another month has past, and it is now February. Not much has changed or happened since last month's entry, as not a lot happens in a small community like mine. Mr. Lundrigan and I still go door to door to collect the cans filled with change for our Church and cemetery. Most people over look this volunteer work, as it is a small activity that only involves two people (me and Mr. Lundrigan). But as small as it is it is still important to the community and it shouldn't be overlooked at all. I myself have learned lots of things over the time I have spent helping Mr. Lundrigan. I've learned how to be organized, how to plan ahead, and how to use patience efficiently. Though they may not look it, these are important skills that all good leaders of any group should have! If a leader doesn't have these skills things in their group will go haywire, and very rarely will anything be accomplished. I myself use these skills on a daily basis, for things like my  homework to snowmobile riding with my friends. As for using these skills as a leader during the volunteer work, I'll be honest, I rarely got to do seeing Mr. Lundrigan was in charge and the whole process and activity consisted of himself and I. But I do use these skills in school when I am the leader of a group for a group project in Chemistry or World Religions. And I now feel a lot more comfortable being in charge of a group and addressing plans and tasks to the other members of the group. More importantly though this volunteer activity helps my Church, which I feel proud of. Seeing my community has a current population that is less than two-hundred, it is important that those in the community who do care about the Church do as much as they can to support it, which is why Mr. Lundrigan started the Church can idea in the first place. By collecting and delivering the cans we can support the Church and keep it up and running, which insures that the Church is there for those who need it. So that is that. This is the summary of my Horizons Service Learning Activity blog, and I hope it shows how and what I have learned from collecting the Church cans with Mr. Lundrigan. Though this is the last entry for this blog(for now) I will still continue to work with Mr. Lundrigan, and will continue to support my church.

Have a good one,
Nicholas Martin

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